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There's an engagement opportunity that's right for you.
Involvement is what PTPAC is all about. Together we're creating opportunities to achieve the profession's transformative vision for health care and society.
And the best part: There are lots of ways to participate. You can support the physical therapy profession and its patients through a variety of activities and engagement opportunities that help the PAC, from participating in a PAC campaign all the way to becoming a Trustee. There really is an opportunity for every APTA member.
3 Ways To Get Involved
Become an Ambassador
PTPAC Ambassadors are at the heart of efforts to grow PTPAC participation.
Host a Fundraiser
A great way to show support for a member of Congress or candidate for office.
Be a part of our advocacy community
APTA's Advocacy Network provides engagement opportunities for members who want to learn more about advocacy and take action on issues that protect our profession and that patients and clients we serve.
Join APTA's Advocacy Network