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Welcome to PTPAC, the political action committee of the American Physical Therapy Association
Physical therapy is a transformative profession that has earned recognition on Capitol Hill. That's what PTPAC is all about. Together, we support congressional champions for physical therapy issues who make a difference for our patients and our profession.
Powered by individual contributions, PTPAC builds connections that make an impact. Our work has earned PTPAC recognition as one of the top 10 health professional association PACs.
Why your support is so important

It's Up to Us
It is our responsibility to be the voice for our profession and our patients. Only through our involvement and contributions can PTPAC engage and support champions of the profession on Capitol Hill.
Your Contribution MattersWhat We Value
Review the health care issues that are a priority to PTPAC, our profession, and our patients.
Who We Support
APTA members seek to engage and work with members of Congress on issues that impact the physical therapy profession and its patients.
PTPAC Events
Look for PTPAC at these upcoming conferences and see how you can support the profession's legislative and political advocacy on Capitol Hill.
- APTA Combined Sections Meeting - PTPAC Party | APTA CSM
February, 12-15, 2025, Houston, TX - APTA Capitol Hill Day - Event | APTA Capitol Hill Day | APTA
July, 14-15, 2025, Washington, DC